Web3 Developer on MultiversX (Elrond)

Mihai Calin Luca

Developing products on the Blockchain and solutions for integrating Web3 in your business

About me

I build things for the world wide web3


  • Rust for Smart Contracts and Tests

  • Typescript, React for Web Integration

  • Python for Scripting

How does it work


  • Contact me through any platform link available here

  • Book a meeting to discuss your opportunity

  • Rounds of consultancy meetings where we refine the idea together (if needed)

  • We come to a deal and we make a legal contract

  • Development time

  • Product delivery and check-up

  • Modifications

  • Other kind of services such as maintenance and deployment (if requested)


  • Stable fees

  • Legal contracts

  • Pay in Crypto and Fiat

  • One-time payment or fixed period payment plan

  • Services invoiced through my legal company - Zen Web3 Solutions

Products & Services

  • Custom solutions of integrating Web3 in your business through the Elrond Network

  • Custom products such as Web3 Platforms with different functionalities

  • Smart Contracts in Rust

  • Tests in Rust and Mandos (generated)

  • Web3 integration and dApps In TypeScript React

  • Smart Contract Audit

  • Deployment

  • Maintenance

  • Consultancy - I will help you understand how you can turn your idea into reality from a technological perspective

All my products and services will be invoiced through my legal company - Zen Web3 Solutions
I accept both fiat and crypto payments through services such as UTrust



Full-stack developer

  • Auction house dApp on MultiversX

  • The owner is provided with an admin panel where they choose an NFT and start an auction with the asset as prize and also set the specific settings of the auction

  • Users can bid for the asset in specific increments set by the owner until they reach the maximum price

  • When a user bids, a timer starts with a specific duration in which the next bid must take place

  • If the user is not outbid in that timeframe, they are the winners of the auction and can claim the prize

  • If a user is outbid, the bid is not returned

  • Architecture: Smart Contract (auction house), React Typescript app (frontend integration), CSS/SCSS (UI)

  • Deployment architecture

  • Deployment

  • Consultancy

  • Documentation

  • Tests

This product was custom made for the client

Mihai Calin Luca



Full-stack developer

  • Lottery dApp on MultiversX

  • Once per hour, the winning numbers are extracted and the lottery goes on

  • Users are able to buy tickets (3 numbers) for the current lottery and bet an amount of token to participate in the lottery for the big win

  • Once the lottery is drawn they can check the winning numbers

  • If the users have winning tickets for a specific lottery, a button will show up and they can claim the pending rewards

  • The owner is provided with an admin panel where they can customize the contract to create specific lottery settings and receive details about the state of the lottery

  • Architecture: Smart Contract (winning numbers extraction and transaction handling), React Typescript app (frontend integration), CSS/SCSS (UI), Python (scripting)

  • Deployment architecture

  • Deployment

  • Consultancy

  • Documentation

  • Tests

This product was custom made for the client

Mihai Calin Luca

elrond giants

Staking Smart Contract

Smart contract developer

  • Staking Smart Contract with static usual rewards and dynamically allocated periodic rewards

  • The owner has the possibility to send rewards to the contract on-demand to be distributed dynamically among all users

  • Consultancy

  • Tests

This product was custom made for the client

Mihai Calin Luca

elrond giants

EXO Blockchain Game Smart Contract

Smart contract developer

  • Smart Contract that contains the logic behind the entire game system

  • Expanding multiple Solidity SCs to Rust SC modules on MultiversX

  • Consultancy

  • Tokenization and necessary changes in order to fit the new protocol

  • Documentation

  • Tests

This product was custom made for the client

Mihai Calin Luca

Wenmoon Studios

Age Of Zalmoxis

web3 developer

During my time at Wenmoon Studios, I've developed multiple features such as

Mihai Calin Luca

blockchain advisors

Exchange Swap Platform

Smart contract developer

  • Private Liquidity Pool

  • Available with all Tokens on DEX

  • Swap functionality

  • Documentation

  • Tests

  • Maintenance

  • Consultancy

This product was custom made for the client

Mihai Calin Luca


Mint, Swap & DAO

smart contract developer

  • SFT Mint SC

  • Randomly unlock NFT with SFT

  • DAO voting SC

  • Tests

  • Consultancy

Mihai Calin Luca


Realm of Karitha

Web3 developer

  • Creating the most efficient solutions for solving specific problems

  • SFT Staking SC

  • Documentation

  • Tests

  • Maintenance

  • Consultancy

Mihai Calin Luca

zion metaverse

Zion Metaverse Staking

Web3 developer

  • NFT Staking SC

  • Tests

  • Consultancy

Mihai Calin Luca

Maiar punks

Custom Dynamic Staking System

smart contract developer

  • Dynamic NFT/SFT Staking System

  • Staking with multipliers and custom complex rules

This product was custom made for the client

Mihai Calin Luca

the beginning & smaller jobs

Elrond Lucky Birds & Outsourcing for the community


Together with my team, we managed to build a beautiful on-going project, Elrond Lucky Birds which helped us get recognized in the community and end up doing outsource work for other people in need.I've developed features such as

  • Blockchain payment integration for physical goods

  • Mint NFT/SFT/Tokens + Tokenomics

  • Master SC

  • Raffle/Auction + Change NFT Attributes

  • Buy NFT/SFT/Token with EGLD or ESDTToken

  • Simple NFT Staking

  • Claim Tokens

  • Web pages creation, fixes & Integration

  • Airdrops

  • Collection launches

  • Rust/Mandos testing + tests on Elrond environments (dev-net, test-net and main-net)

  • Python Scripts for actions such as: airdrops, contract queries and transactions, data fetch

Mihai Calin Luca


Let's connect

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